Monday, August 9, 2010

Zach Galifianakis Interviews Megan Fox, Learns Green is Her Favorite Color

(you won't believe what kind of toothpaste she uses)

"GALIFIANAKIS: So what's your favorite color?

FOX: Green. What's yours?

GALIFIANAKIS: Specifically, it's olive green.

FOX: That's really specific.

GALIFIANAKIS: Well, this isn't how I chose my favorite color, but I read somewhere that smart people tend toward green. So that's good for both of us. Do you color anything green because you like it? Are your walls painted green? Is your car green? And I don't mean "eco" green — the color green.

FOX: No. I don't have any green walls or cars or furniture at the moment. But if I'm going to draw a picture, I will usually go for the green crayon or colored pencil or marker.

GALIFIANAKIS: I have a green 1998 Subaru.

FOX: My dad drives a Subaru. I think it might be a Forester.

GALIFIANAKIS: The Forester is a very good car. It gets good gas mileage. Good for your dad. Now we're getting somewhere. Just out of curiosity, what kind of toothpaste do you use?

FOX: I guess it kind of depends on where I last went grocery shopping. Crest Vivid White is a good toothpaste. But I also use Tom's of Maine.

GALIFIANAKIS: Tom's of Maine is what I use. I also use their condoms.

FOX: [Laughs] Are they eco-friendly?

GALIFIANAKIS: I just imagine these old grandma and grandpa people in Maine making condoms. "These are made out of rubber trees. . . ." [Fox laughs] Speaking of which, what is the tenderest moment you've ever had with one of your grandparents?

FOX: Most of my grandparents died when I was really young.

GALIFIANAKIS: Oh, I'm sorry."

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