Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Death by chicken wing...?

The last chicken wing sat there next to the chemical washed carrots. He pushed it aside to reach for last of the seasoned curly’s.
I thought to myself:

“self, he doesn’t’ want that last wing, self, I would like that last wing.”

So I reached for it… don’t worry, before my fingers even touched the deep, fried, flesh, I asked

“You don’t mind, do you?”

….”Of course not” he replied

I ate that last wing. It was delicious. Probably had a handful of seasoned curly’s and one piece of pizza. I felt good. Satisfied.

He insisted, that the last three pieces of the pizza would get lonely if they didn’t join their friends, already in his belly. Oh and the rest of the seasoned curly’s would be lonely too, so they had to go in there too. The food coma was already hitting him before he’d finished chewing the last bite. His eye’s rolled back into his head and he began to drool.

I told him:
“next time, I’m going to stop you.” “Next time I’m not going to order so much food.” “Next time this isn’t going to be an option.”

But I don’t want to get between him and his seasoned curly’s… its bad enough I took the last chicken wing.

He threatened death by Chicken Wing if I were to do anything so drastic as get between him and his four pack. No one would know.

He would give Wicket a wedgie (cheese bread), he'd never tell. "No officer, I didn't see a thing you see, well I was looking to my left when the incident happened and you see its all a bit blury"... as he licks the cheeze of his cute little pushed in nose.

His story would be something like this: "She stole the last wing officer. Just grabbed it. I went to get it back, and BAM, neck punch. I was so taken aback that I of course let her take the wing. I am a gentleman afterall. Then I was sitting there, minding my own business, when out of nowhere, she closes the pizza box and says 'NO MORE FOR YOU' and I was all like 'Whaaaat?!?!' But all of my pizza friends need to be reunited with all of their other pizza friends... in my belly... why aren't the allowed in my belly" So then she neck punched me again for talking back. I didn't think I had any other choice, the half eaten chicken wing was the only weapon of self-defence available officer... yea I said half eaten.... I know... who takes the last freaking wing... then yeah... yeah I know THE LAST WING! HALF EATEN.... so you totally understand then officer, I had to stab her with the chicken wing. There really wasn't any other option."

Death by Chicken Wing? Who knew....

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Pain Enigma: The more scientists learn, the more mysterious it becomes

A friend of mine’s dad was published in the National Post this weekend… gives a whole new perspective to pain.

Ken Prkachin, a psychologist at the University of Northern British Columbia, knows what pain looks like. His research shows that the facial reaction to pain involves four distinct muscular actions. The eyebrows lower and are drawn in; the muscles around the eye contract, narrowing the eye and producing crow’s feet; the muscles in mid-face contract, wrinkling the nose and raising the upper lip; and the eyes often just close.

There are other reactions, such as stretching the lips into a wince, he said, but this appears to be only reliably associated with extreme pain, such as that suffered by soldiers in battle. Even without this detail, he assumed other people knew what pain looked like too, so he was surprised to discover a constant tendency to underestimate. His test subjects watched video of people in pain, taken at a sports medicine clinic, and consistently pegged it much lower on a number scale than the actual sufferer did.

What he found most “disturbing,” though, was that this effect was stronger in health care workers, suggesting that exposure to pain can dull sympathy. In fact, according to research he is presenting at the 13th World Congress on Pain, which starts today in Montreal, this underestimation can be experimentally induced and strengthened, just by priming people with a few pictures of others in pain.”

Then there was this little tid-bit:

“I’m more sure than ever that male and females have different pathways to pain,” he said. “One day there will be sex-specific drugs.”


I’ve been injured pretty badly in a couple gnarly accidents. I’ve been taken into the ambulance by the paramedic and told, no joke, to “suck it up.” I mean my shoulder was dislocated, and the ligaments were torn, and I had gravel rash all across my cheek, arm, hip and leg. I wasn’t even crying. I just asked her not to touch me. B*tch.

I shouldn’t say that… she’s a lovely lady. But f*ck I was mad at her. Don’t tell me what hurts, and what doesn’t hurt.

Now reading this article I realize her reaction to me may have been skewed by the fact that she picked me up 10 minutes after finishing up driving the victims of a four car pile-up, all with critical injuries, to the hospital. Her perspective put me into that context…. “whiny little b*tch… she doesn’t even know the half of it….pain… she doesn’t know pain…”

Yeah Ok… I’ll give you that one Ms. Unfriendly Paramedic Lady.... I'll give you that one.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Oh What a night...

heartbreak... its tough. Mine is no tougher than yours... but it feels harder, it feels like it was worse. It wasn't any different. Hearts break. Hearts mend. Its the people affected by heart break that are different. Some people are stronger within themselves, they want to make it through. Some people just can't see past the hurt. Can't see past the potential for more hurt. They're willing to sacrifice the good, because of the hypothetical hurt.

One day I talk about hypothetical babies... the next day I talk about heartbreak. That's the life course we're on right. That's our path. Its a bumpy hilly ride.

one thing I often forget about is my self-worth. Tricky subject... big word? maybe. Certainly complicated.

One thing I forget about is what's the big deal?

I don't know how to have fun anymore... I'm sometimes so scared with the results of me cutting loose. Saying what I really mean.

Hear-ache doesn't go away... it doesn't get less confusing. It doesn't get easier. I am lost in my own head. I'm not sure if I'll ever surface. I'm not sure how I lost myself... I don't know where I went. I don't know where I'm going. I don't know what just happened. I do know that I'm sad, I'm confused, I'm lonely, I'm embarrassed, I'm scared... I feel tired.

I'm not drunk. I'm emotional. I'm torn between crawling into bed, sleeping away my confusion... or going out and trying to forget it. Both cases I think I'll end up right where I am.

Alone. Asleep.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Searching for a kind of Sub-Urban life.

Not sure why… today I’ve had house on the brain. Am I getting comfortable here? Am I looking to settle down? Why is a piece of yard for Wicket suddenly a priority?

I just watched the most excellent presentation on investing in Edmonton’s downtown. I agree with everything that was said. I love that I don’t have to commute to work. I love that I live in a multicultural community. I love that I’m close to good restaurants. I love that I’m close to good bars. Pubs. Parks. Schools. Nightlife. Daylife.

But Wednesday night I got caught up late at work and had to ride my bike home at 9pm. Its not a long ride. Maybe 10 minutes at the most. But on my way I counted 6 prostitutes walking the streets. I saw drug deals, pimps, johns, baby carriages, dogs, stray cats… all living in harmony in the same community. My community. I miss the perception of safety. I don’t like living in the St. Albert bubble.. and by God I don’t think I want my hypothetical children living there their whole lives. But you know, I started thinking: “St. Albert might not be so bad, when I want to have kids.”

Now its weird I know. This coming from a long-term anti-St. Albert advocate, and my good friends of yester-year would be shocked that I would say something like this… But I don’t want to live where I live forever. I don’t want my hypothetical children to have to dodge pimps and ho’s if they want to take the bus back from the movies. I don’t want my hypothetical children to have to pick up the needles in the boulevard. I don’t want my hypothetical children to have to see this shit… but I don’t want them to grow up in a rich kids urban paradise where they have to worry about having the next coach purse.. or whatever either.

I don’t know the right answer.

But I look at my soccer league. I hate that one week I have to drive to Millwoods, and the next week Terwilligar, and the next week Castledowns and the next week Capilano… and so forth. Its so far away.

I loved that growing up in St. Albert I could bike anywhere…and I mean it anywhere in that whole community for a soccer game or whatever. I don’t know. Its hard. I believe in all of these urban planning principles… but then I look at last night, it was my 4th friggin trip into St. Albert this week…. I mean common people…

It’s not like any of them come to me.
Besides you Vin… but really that’s only cuz I won’t sleep over at your place…
with the ‘cool older couple’ you live with.

I don’t know….
I really don’t know the answer.

When I was growing up in St. Albert I hated everybody… They were all rich snotty little bitches. But… now that I’ve back here, growing up. I look at the friends of mine I still have in this community and think by god I’d love it if my hypothetical children grew up with their hypothetical children. And they weren't snotty bitches... so maybe I should give this town another shot.
Weird eh?

Weird to even be thinking about this in my opinion. Weirder still that I have a blog. Weirder still that I’m actually straight truthing this blog with my true feelings and sentimentalities. Not sure where all of this will lead. But I think its healthy to think about the future. Don’t worry… I’m not making plans.

No hopes or dreams here… no goals or ambitions. Just filling up my day. I mean really its all future Lesley’s problem… right?

The day that is over soon… and….

Tonight will be filled with some of this:

And some of this:

Hopefully some of this:

maybe some of this?

Probably more like this:

mmm.... still sounds like a good weekend.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Wise words Mr. T Pierce...

Ask a question, you get an answer. Thanks Tony.

Q. What's better Blogging Bull-pucky... or straight truthin'?

as you may have noticed the tagline of the busblog is "nothing in here is true", and the busblog has provided me with pretty much anything any blogger could want: wine, women, and a good paying job.

i say set up your blog the way that will allow you to write as well as you can. for me that tag line allows me the right to flat out lie. do people always believe that line? nope. does it mean that people may not trust everything written on this site? sure - but who cares - you shouldn't believe everything you read on the web (unless it's from a trusted site like latimes.com)

but some people wont write Anything on their blog because they are afraid of the repercussions from their friends family or bosses. if thats the case then they should get a private blog and/or just write fiction. but for the most part, blogging can be an exercise about baring ones soul and being honest to oneself and the world. thus keeping it real and telling the ugly truth, to me, is the better way to blog.

Bad Planning.

Monday was a bit of a mission… played my first full game of soccer for a while.

No subs.

It was difficult.

But I got in the groove.

I’m an alpha soccer player.

I’m very bossy.

I think it’s from years of playing goalie… I’m used to yelling.

I’m not used to people listening to me.

Not to worry… no one was listening to me this game either.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Humble: not proud or arrogant; modest

This short movie humbled me.

You don't have to watch it.

It's 16 minutes of your life you'll never get back.

Will you regret watching it?

Only if you regret thinking. If you regret being challenged.

The only difference between him and me is I've never had to kill another human being.

"What have we gained as a country? What have we actually accomplished, other than the loss of some damned fine people? People willing to give their life for the country they have."

Sometimes it helps to think about things outside your comfort zone.

Sometimes it helps to wonder about what could have been...

Sometimes we all need a reality check.

Sometimes we all need to be humbled.


There is something absolutely enjoyable about hanging out in my house naked. I love it.
Pants, underwear, bras, tops...they're all so overrated. I mean sure they keep us warm. But how many of us buy clothes because of warmth. Now-a-days, practicality is a thing of the past and clothes are all about making a statement. Sometimes the right statement, sometimes the wrong one... but all about defining who we are.

I never feel sexier than when I'm naked.

My skin feels smooth

My curves feel like they're in proportion

No part of me feels ugly

I don't feel self conscious

I feel soft in the right places

Maybe that's it. When I'm naked I feel in control of how I look. When I'm wearing clothes I have to conform. Its about touch, and overall appearance... its not about features and better or worse.

I love wandering around my home, aimlessly, naked, window covers drawn. I'm not strutting... I'm not showing off... Its like the way some girls wear sweat pants... I feel free.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Daydream haunting.

Do you ever have nights, days, actions that haunt you?
I do.

Sometimes I do things that are so beyond my usual personality, that I think to myself... Was that really me? Sometimes I get so out of control that I just can't stop. Problem is when I like the feeling of being out of control so much, that I just don't want to stop.

This hasn't happened in a while.

But the other night, a while ago, I had a night of fancy dress, and complete debauchery, with my good friend Charlie... And every once and a while bits and pieces come back to me, and I think to myself... did I really do that?

Well I did do that. I'm not proud. I'm actually profoundly embarrassed. I'm not sure if I'll ever show my face to Charlies friends again... but of course I'll still hang out with Charlie, I mean, its not his fault is it?

Saturday Night with Miss K

Saturday, Mom and I hung out with Miss K. It was the first time her parents have been able to go out since before she was born. I felt pretty touched that her parents trusted us enough to hang out with her on our own. I suppose that's the hardest part about having a sick kid, you just can't let go of the control. But sometimes its just better to get out of the house and have a bit of fun. We spent the night dancing, and playing!

Isn't she cute?

I missed out on a night of drinking and fun times, but sometimes the sacrifices of being cousin # 1, are totally worth it!

Cystic Fibrosis is a scary sickness, I worry about her too. The only positive in all of this is we get to spend lots of time with her due to our close proximity to the Stollery Childrens Hospital. I know its not a happy story, but Miss K is one happy kid. She's such a pleasure to hang around with every single time she's here... and my cousins are pretty cool too.

XO Miss K, can't wait to dance with you again on Tuesday!

Present Lesley.

Where have plans and goals gotten me anyway? Hopes and dreams yes... but worrying gets you nowhere. fast.

Sometimes we all need a reality check. Mine happened yesterday, and today I feel like a completely different person, a better person, a calmer person.

Sometimes I need to talk to someone completely different from me, with a completely different perspective than me. This helps me ponder the wonders of the world, in a different light.

Can I be fullfilled here?

"I have a job that's easy and pays well, I have you, I have my friends, I have my family... Life is good"

Life is good. Worrying? Well that's future Lesley's problem. Today, now that's present Lesley's job to take care of. And the job will get done. Today's job anyway.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


such yuppies... sitting side by side blogging. Guess I can't make fun of shmelnyk anymore.

Wicket... the runaway.

Friday night I was all ready to party,
Went to Bean and Colin's for some good times with some good friends. I brought Wicket, 2 bottles of wine, some vodka and some juice. See... totally ready to go.
Then as I was taking a tour of the house with mom and bean... its like the whole world showed up at their house... there were gates opening and closing... and some just staying open. My little one-eyes escape artist, made a break for it.

I was devastated. I looked for about 2 hours. I searched and searched and searched and searched. I looked everywhere. He was found. Thank god. I was panicked in the meantime, and the lovely fellow took him home until I could come by and get him. Wicket made it home safe.

Then I locked him in the house and got my party on. It will be a long time before that little munchkin is allowed of leash... or invited to a party. All I remember is stumbling home from beans at the end of it all (and I truly remember stumbling) and waking up with a raging headache... snuggled in between by boys. Glad he's home.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Another Makeup Free Day.

Fernie girls don’t wear makeup. If they do, it’s often left on from the night before and smeared across their face while their serving people, glassy eyed… or riding or biking their asses off. Fernie girls love to shop. They love to shop for new skis, boards, mittens, thermals, yoga pants, construction equipment, snowshoes, touring bindings, beacon…. They don’t worry too much about bar clothes. A hoodie and jeans will do just fine. They don’t wear high heels… why would they? You can’t walk home to Ridgewood, West Fernie, hell even downtown, from Blackout-Monday in heels, that’s just silly talk. Fernie girls don’t worry about bad hair days. That’s what toques are for. Fernie girls aren’t scared to splurge on the important things though. Girls night out for a fine meal and a dozen martini’s is a norm. Dancing like you just don’t care… also a norm. Playing Scrabble in a busy bar… also a norm. Working a goggle-tan…. also a norm.

So every time I wake up in the morning 5 minutes past when I should have left for work. I throw on some clothes, brush my teeth, run my dog around the block, and bike my guts out to get to work on time; omitting makeup and hair brushing, let alone styling, I have to force myself to stop and think back. Not wearing makeup is not unprofessional, my hair looks fine, my outfit is fine.

I have to force myself to look for guidance from my Fernie girls, what would they do? Would they wake up an hour before work to put on makeup and do their hair? Or would they grab onto those 5 extra minutes?

I think you all know the answer. City girls have it all wrong and Fernie girls know how it’s done.

Goddammit I'm a Peacock, you gotta let me fly!

Allen: "I got so wasted last night I thought toothpaste was astronaut food."

Cap. Mauch (Michael Keaton): “You know what, I’m going to hang onto the wooden gun.”

Allen: “To give me back my real gun?”

Cap. Mauch: “No. I’m going to give you this… It’s a rape whistle. You blow that if you’re in any trouble, and someone with an actual gun will come and help you out.”

P.K. (Samuel L.Jackson): “Ay ay ay if I want to hear you talk I will shove my arm up your a** and work your mouth like a puppet.”

Oh it makes me laugh!
Great movie, I can't wait to see it again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again

The movie finished way past my bed time, but I don't mind. Its Friday, I get to sleep in tomorrow. And tonight I get to go to Bean's and party like its Friday the 13th... I'll mostly, probably spend the night listening to Vin and Collin complement each other's hair.

I'm sure tonight Collin will be Full-Time.... part time.

I can't wait for tonight though, what a perfect place to party. Its within stumbling distance and I can bring Wicket... what more can you ask for?

Maybe a good reason to celebrate?

How about... I got an extension at work... so I don't have to carry plates for a living anymore... yeah!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Back to bullshit.

Going to see a movie, a movie, a movie,

Going to see a mmmooooooo ooooooo vie.

This one:

Vinny's been napping... so here's hoping he doesn't fall asleep like he did with Maegan.

Remember the best... forget the rest.

The trip to San Francisco should have been amazing, and in many ways it was. I mean I was struggling from band overload. So many amazing things to see, so many interesting people… There were little kids rocking out, Wookie’s wandering around, Dead Heads, Punk Rockers, Righteous Emo Kids, hippies… so many interesting people to meet to see.

I want to write a super fun blog about all of this… but I was so not there…. I tried so hard to rock out. I tried so hard to have a good time. I blamed a boy for my fun time block. It wasn’t his fault. I think I may have lost my mojo. I think I forgot to just have fun. I’m in a funk; I don’t know how to get out. I think I’m on the up and up… and then I realize I’m drowning all over again.

So I’ll say this. I have to find a way to get myself into a happy state soon. This funk has got to go. If I’m getting sick of myself… surely others won’t put up with me for long. The worst part of it all is I feel like I’ve really put a wedge between myself and the people I want the closest to me. So scared to loose control, I’m so scared to move forward, but still so scared to stay put. How can a 26 year old have a midlife crisis?

Any other time. I would Run Away. Far Away. Fast as I can. But I like it here. I want to stay. I’m tired of running. For every step running away, it’s like 10 steps back. I love traveling… but I haven’t traveled for a few years. I’ve ran… I’ve tried to disappear. I’ve tried to get away… I’ve tried to be someone new. Change myself, be someone. Now the hard part is staying put through the hard parts. You can’t run forever. Sometimes you have to figure out who you are, right where you are. I also have to stop hiding. That’s the same as running. Locking myself in my apartment. I’m not sure where I start all this? How do I start working on becoming me? I’m starting to feel better, just by writing this. Does that count as a start?

There you have it faithful follower. My trip to San Francisco was not an easy one. It wasn’t a fly by the seat of your pants Epic time, but I’m glad it happened. I got to see some amazing bands… I got to check out San Francisco. I got to see what it looks like to be on the 36th floor of the Westin. I got to see little Italy… I got to see Fisherman’s Warf. I got to wander around aimlessly. I got to hold a boy’s hand. It’s a bit of a disaster that these demons inside my head decided to confront me for his birthday… and I think I ruined his trip. I hope I didn’t. I hope he gives me another chance to show him we can have fun together. Because there were some times where we did have an excellent adventure…


Here we're the good times, hopefully when we look back in 10 years this is all we'll remember:

keep smiling... even if its only on the inside...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Don't worry, tomorrow it will be all right.

Ahhh my faithful blog follower; I’m so sorry to have abandoned you for the past few days. Don’t worry though; I will fill you with heaps and heaps and heaps of stories tomorrow. Today, well today is for apologizing, reacquainting, making amends, making friends.

Tomorrow will be for bull-shit. For stories, for updates, for time well spent reading…. I just didn’t want you to think I’d forgotten about you. Believe you me, you’ve been on my mind everyday. I’ve missed writing you while I was away, but don’t worry… now that we’ve had this break, we’ll be stronger than ever.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

working for the money...

i suppose there are worse jobs....

ahhh.... Fake Fridays....today it felt like me week was winding itself right up into a little ball about to explode, rather that winding down the way it should.

Matt “The Legend” Dean would have been very disappointed with me, as the week is supposed to start winding down on Wednesday and since i have tomorrow off I should have spent today easing into my weekend. Instead it was gogogogogogogogogogogogogogogo.... no time for the crying.

I'm beat.

Then my day got a little bit better, and a little bit better, until it wasn't so bad at all.

Tony inspired me: remember who you are. remember who you used to be. and remind yourself who you wanna be

Sometimes I forget why I'm doing all of this. Sometimes lifting plates for a living doesn't sound half bad..... and then i remember how sad I was.... How down on myself.. no room to move... no reliability.. no dependability... no steady paycheck... no evenings off..... no benefits... no weekends to myself....

I will always love who I used to be, and I will never forget all of the good times. I just want to have a job, that pays good, and gives me the freedom to do the things i want... I'll get there, i know I will...

In the meantime... there is no point in living in the past but it sure has been a lot of fun.

I can't wait for San Francisco.

I can't wait for Derby

I can't wait to see Kaity Kaity

I can't wait to see little K

I can't wait to see Mags

I can't wait to see Anty G

There is so much to look forward to...there is so much to come...

Tomorrow, your looking good.


Are packed.


Are bought, paid for and ready to go.

I’m leaving tomorrow, I’m ready to go. I’m getting on that plane and saying “See Ya, Edmonton!” even if it’s just for the weekend.

I’m not really sure what to expect…

But I really hope the sun shines, and there’s no rain… I need a tan, I need to get away from these clouds.

I can guarantee you all I won’t be thinking about work, I won’t be thinking about school and I won’t be making my bed. I’m ready for a holiday from everything….

I’m ready to get out of here.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

So… Only

2 yep 2...more sleeps to go… Just today and another day. Just tonight and another night. The day after tomorrow. The night after this one. Can you dig it?

I thought I should introduce you to some of the friends I plan on meeting.


(Former Grateful Dead guitarist Bob Weir and bassist Phil Lesh founded the band Further as a continuation of many of the same things that made the Dead special)

"The Grateful Dead's Phil Lesh says one of the nicest surprises that came from bringing the surviving members of the band together for 2008's Deadheads for Obama tour was remembering how much he loved playing with guitarist Bob Weir. ‘As we went through that tour," Lesh said, "it just got better, and better. And guess what? He felt the same way about me.’"


“Kings of Leon are an American rock band that formed in Nashville, Tennessee, United States in 1999, consisting of brothers Anthony Caleb Followill (lead vocals, rhythm guitar), Ivan Nathan Followill (drums, percussion, backing vocals) and Michael Jared Followill (bass, backing vocals), with their cousin Cameron Matthew Followill (lead guitar, backing vocals). Each member of the family group is known by his middle name (second given name) as opposed to his first given name.”

The Strokes:

“The Strokes’ return: The band is back in top form, every song is tight without much ad-libbing (even from Nick), Julian’s voice is stronger than ever and the crowds are going crazy for their return.”

Social Distortion:

“After 30 years and six studio albums -- seven, if you count the one he's recording now and hopes to release by the end of this year -- Social Distortion frontman Mike Ness has forged an ironclad public persona. He's a sensitive tough guy, a poetic guitar slinger, Bruce Springsteen with a criminal record.”

"Great show! It was played classic and newer songs, pleasing both younger and older fans, which waited many years for this show. With a great performance of the band leader, Mike Ness, it was only missed one of their most famous songs, “Story of my Life”. Finalizing in a big way with Ring of Fire, one of their most famous covers, the show was, without a doubt, fantastic and worth waiting!"

Gogol Bordelo:

GYPSY PUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“After a decade-plus of earning the reputation as one of the best live bands around and being hailed by The Village Voice as “the world’s most visionary band,” it’s Gogol Bordello’s songwriting that is taking center stage on their fifth studio album, “Trans-Continental Hustle.” Produced by Rick Rubin, album highlights include “Raise the Knowledge,” “Sun is on My Side,” “When Universes Collide,” “My Companjera” and “We Comin Rougher (Immigraniada).””


Lets just say I'm looking forward to meeting my new friends... 2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps...2 more sleeps..... .............................................................................................................

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Long overdue.

Here are the pictures of Folk Fest that I promised....
Sometimes Edmonton you don't look so too shabby....

Only 3 more sleeps...

I’ve been so busy (excuses I know)

I’ve completely forgotten to get into countdown mode.

more sleeps then I’m outta here…

I wish I knew more of the details, but we booked this trip so long ago now, that I’ve kind of forgotten most of them.

I can tell you I’m ready to get out of dodge though.

I can also tell you.........

We're leaving from here:

on one of these:

so we can go here:

and be a part of this:

so we can sing along with these very talented people:

while hanging out with our new friends:

drinking a couple of these:

In the evenings we'll be staying here:

because he said so:

aaand in the morning we'll be going here:

All because of him:

so he can pretend he's him:


I hope he has a:

especially because it's:

only 3 more sleeps... only 3 more sleeps...only 3 more sleeps...only 3 more sleeps... only 3 more sleeps...only 3 more sleeps...only 3 more sleeps... only 3 more sleeps...only 3 more sleeps...only 3 more sleeps... only 3 more sleeps...only 3 more sleeps...only 3 more sleeps... only 3 more sleeps...only 3 more sleeps...only 3 more sleeps... only 3 more sleeps...only 3 more sleeps.........................