Thursday, August 5, 2010


So I get to see this guy tonight:

With this guy:

Wurd on the streets is that one of the fella's from Relentless 7 is not doing so well, and Ben had to go solo to Australia for Splendour. I'm so sorry to hear about this:

"due to a serious band member illness, Relentless7 will not be joining Ben Harper for his Friday night performance at Splendour in the Grass, Ben Harper's only scheduled Australian performance for 2010"

Hopefully the Relentless 7 play with him tonight,
because they rock, as per:

I'm happy to see Ben all the same... he's a wicked musician and an excellent performer, even without his crew.

I haven't see him in a while though... not since:

(Voodoo Experience...2007... god was it that long ago?)

I'm stoked. and will try and take pictures...

Oh and I also get to see this guy:

playing this stuff:

I think this evening is shaping up quite nicely.


  1. I'm jealous. Very jealous. I've never seen Ben Harper. :(
    I suck. Have an awesome time!

  2. Thanks Kris. It was an excellent show! Ben's better at Festivals, he really makes you feel at home with him.
