Thursday, August 12, 2010

working for the money...

i suppose there are worse jobs....

ahhh.... Fake it felt like me week was winding itself right up into a little ball about to explode, rather that winding down the way it should.

Matt “The Legend” Dean would have been very disappointed with me, as the week is supposed to start winding down on Wednesday and since i have tomorrow off I should have spent today easing into my weekend. Instead it was gogogogogogogogogogogogogogogo.... no time for the crying.

I'm beat.

Then my day got a little bit better, and a little bit better, until it wasn't so bad at all.

Tony inspired me: remember who you are. remember who you used to be. and remind yourself who you wanna be

Sometimes I forget why I'm doing all of this. Sometimes lifting plates for a living doesn't sound half bad..... and then i remember how sad I was.... How down on myself.. no room to move... no reliability.. no dependability... no steady paycheck... no evenings off..... no benefits... no weekends to myself....

I will always love who I used to be, and I will never forget all of the good times. I just want to have a job, that pays good, and gives me the freedom to do the things i want... I'll get there, i know I will...

In the meantime... there is no point in living in the past but it sure has been a lot of fun.

I can't wait for San Francisco.

I can't wait for Derby

I can't wait to see Kaity Kaity

I can't wait to see little K

I can't wait to see Mags

I can't wait to see Anty G

There is so much to look forward to...there is so much to come...

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see you again either!! :p but really I wish I was going to San Fran. I heart that place. Just like I heart you two. :D have and epictabulous time. Please take pictures. Please.... And thank you in advance.
