Monday, August 2, 2010

Have Yourself a Nipple Crackin' good time!

I didn't know I could crack an egg with my nipple... until yesterday.

Last night I was hazed,/froshed... whatever you call it. I was purposely struck with an egg, via some douchebag driving a red car at top speed down 118th ave. It could have been a group of douchbags as Robby also got hit... we believe their may have been multiple eggs. But he's the detective, not me. All I know is i definitely got smoked in the boob with an egg and it hurt like a bitch. I even cried.

So there we were, happy as pigs in shit. Having finished our mini doughnuts, watched a rocking show, Won some giant banana's, had a few beers and ready to head home before we got hit with the showers that were fast approaching. I was slightly ahead of Vin, walking next to Robby. Then outta no where. I was shot. It felt like I was shot anyway. There was a cool, goopy mess all down the front of my cardigan, and a screaming pain across my chest.

I looked down expecting to see blood....but no just an egg, crushed across my pretty shirt. I was so relieved and scared (not to mention it hurt like a son of a bitch) Vin gave me a hug and I started to bawl like a baby. I honestly never thought getting hit with an egg would hurt so bad. Now there's a bruise already forming on my chest... I'd show you a photo.. but I don't you to get blocked from work. Then what would I do all day?

All I'm saying is lesson learned. Do not throw eggs at people. It hurts like hell... watch out Mr. Red Car... the detective is on it... and your going to pay. He already deciphered it was an extra large, grade A, caged egg, its only a matter of time now. He'll get a print off the shell. He'll track your license plate. He'll find you, cuz nobody, and I mean nobody pisses off a wop, a hobbit, me, and two guys over 6'5 carrying giant banana's. Watch yourself.

1 comment:

  1. That is sucky. Karma will get those effers! Karma or Robby. I think vinny should get you a specially silk screened tshirt that says tough titty with a picture of an egg. I'm pumped for my beer sweater. I was pickled after three un-sweatered beers.
