Friday, October 1, 2010

Straight Truthing... it isn't always the answer.

Ok. So I’ve given the blog a rest. Truthfully I’ve been tired, busy, and sick of my own thoughts. Extra truthfully? My dad asked me not to blog. Told me that my generation is open with our personal information and I should keep more of this kind of stuff to myself. Since my blog has been a straight-truth-through-and-through kind blog, I decided to listen; maybe a blog doesn’t have to be so personal. Maybe I’m just not comfortable with that just yet. Maybe that much self-reflection isn’t a good thing.

SO here I am. Decidedly impersonal.

Did you know that people are deeply offended if you discontinue their status as a friend of Fbook? I had no idea until yesterday, how much of a societal faux pas this is. SO I deleted some guy. We aren’t friends. We don’t know each other. I would never hang out with him. Just a friend of a friend of a friend of mine… we chatted briefly on a trip I once took… and I never looked back. He must have thought out friendship was so much more. No word of a lie, I was cleansing my friends list at 10:05 am… by 12:15 I had a text from him inquiring:

“Why did you delete me off facebook?” :(

Now I’m what I would consider to be a generally nice person. I don’t like to like. But truth be told I really wasn’t a fan of this little fella. He was highly inquisitive, generally demanding, moderately offensive, slightly rude, and generally speaking not a person I really wanted to be friends with. Now I don’t think this is a big deal. Not all of us are meant to be friends. Some of us are meant to be acquaintances, some of us are meant to be co-workers, some of us are meant to be polite to each other, and some of us are meant to pass each other on the street oblivious of one another. Now I didn’t want to start a ruckus with this little guy… but I really didn’t want him to get the impression that

A) I was interested in his friendship in any sort of capacity and

B) That his actions that I found rude, offensive, demanding etc were acceptable.

Now I probably should have gotten off my high horse and just ignored this pleading text message for blind affection… but I just couldn’t ignore the nagging feeling in my gut to say something… say anything that would ensure A and B. I also wanted to ensure professionalism to the utmost, and ensure that whatever I said could not be misconstrued as an insult. I was mistaken. Men have sensitive egos and even the most professional statements can leave something for want. I replied:

“As we spent more time together I came to realize that the only thing we have in common is our mutual affection for our mutual friends. I do not, however, feel this necessitates us being Fbook friends. I thank you again for the time we spent together, take care.”

Apparently I was too cold, maybe too curt, maybe I used too big of words, maybe I was too professional, not friendly enough. Either way, his ego was bruised, he was offended, he was hurt, and he started the name calling, his reply was:
“Wow… you’re kind of a jerk.”

Ok, I’m a big girl. I can take that one. I think this demonstrates his immaturity. I think this shows that I’m being the bigger person. Keep in mind, I am still absolutely blown away that deleting someone from facebook warrants this kind of discussion in the first place. Who am I to argue with his feelings? I shouldn’t have said the following, but his reaction spurred a reaction in me and what can I say, my texting finger got the best of me. I replied:

“You and you’re friend proved to be disrespectful, offensive and aggressive towards me. I will refrain from name calling out of respect for our mutual friends. I am still, however, uninterested in pursuing a friendship with you. Take Care.”

I thought this was straight up, honest, sincere. It was in keeping with A and B and in keeping with my moral agenda. I was feeling good with what I wrote. Buuut, you bruise and ego and the reader won’t even read the words… and they see is some bitch who wrote them. So he of course replied:

“Out of respect for our friends!!??! Seriously!?! I will tell them myself that you’re a jerk, cuz you are a… jerk.


And to think, through all of this time, I had no idea that this little guy was an aspiring-wanna-be-rapper-punk. Now I know better than to rebuttal a ‘Peace Out’ but I just wanted to ensure him that I was not trying to hurt his feelings. I was sincerely confused by his reply. I didn’t think I had said anything remotely offensive in my last statement. I thought everything I said was also completely obvious. I mean if you had been there during out last encounter, you could have cut the tension with a knife. I thought he understood that there was no future of friendship between us, but I wanted him to understand I also had no ill-will towards him. So I replied:

“I have no feelings of ill towards you. I thank you again. Take Care”

and the little bastard replied:

“I have no ill feelings towards you either; I just think you’re a jerk. You jerk.” : D

(open face smiley face was included)

Oh well, you can’t win em all I guess. Sometimes the truth isn’t the right way, and sometimes you can be too honest.

Learned my lesson: Never offer an explanation when you delete someone from facebook, especially if they ask for one. If you’ve deleted them, they probably don’t deserve one.

I also do no feel that this picture required an explanation. Its just honest, good ol'fashioned funny.

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