Friday, November 26, 2010

Weathering the Storm.... grace? N/A

My eyes are glazed over.
I’m having trouble keeping my head up.
If I was submerged in water, I would drown, but I strangely feel like I’m submerged in gravy, like I can’t move very quickly, but everything around me is moving very fast.

I am in the eye of the storm.
No time to breathe.
No time to think.

But here I am.

kicking the ass out of this storm. for now... And as long as it doesn’t blow me over the edge, we’ll all be ok. I picture myself as the cow, caught in the tornado in the Wizard of Oz. I’ll be fine. Look’y me I’m still Mooooing. No power to do anything, except voice my complaints. And still, I’m flying away… who knows where I’ll land.

I aced everything I handed in yesterday, and I plan on acing everything I hand in today, and tomorrow, and Thursday and Tuesday, and….
I sell confidence and results.

But like the cow in the tornado, my success in life is entirely dependent on where I land. It’s a perilous journey and the only thing I have control over is my reaction. I pray I take this storm and ride it all the way to Vancouver Island, landing in the freezing cold pacific. Miss French will yank me from the water, Mags will grab me a towel, and K will pour me a beer. All I know for certain, is the storm is far from finished, and I know when it will end. Watch out world, in thirteen days, two hours and forty-two minutes this girl will be free. The storm will be behind me, and hopefully I landed somewhere safe, unbroken.

Until then, if you see me, hug me, offer me food and candy, and please don’t be mad at me if I bite, it’s not you… it’s the storm.

And in 13 days, two hours and forty-two minutes, please don’t judge me if I drink too much, or make an ass out of myself… I'll be celebrating life, and the ability to have one.

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