Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Fucking Chicks.

So he says to me,

"I met this girl, you know the one who I said I was going on a date with, you know the other night when I said I couldn't go for beers?"

I said:


and he was like....

"Well you see. We went on a date. Everything was great. Everything was nice, and fun... and you know she was pretty quiet... but whatever. Then, fuck....
Let me be honest here.
She's Fuckin' terrible in bed."

so I said:

"Oh, Ok."

and he was like....

"Well what's the rule? What do I do. She's not a bad girl. She's not a bad person. She's just really terrible in bed and I never want to sleep with her again."

(at this point I just nodded)

and he was like....


(at this point i realized I was actually supposed to respond to this)

so I said:

"I don't think you have to call her if you don't want to. I mean you're obviously not interested in the girl and she's not a bad person, so i wouldn't worry about it. Why are you even asking me this anyway?"

and he was like...

"Well your a chick."

thanks. Every once and a while its nice to be reminded that I represent the opinions of an entire population.

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